*Based on Balpil™ Test from 58.156 respondents (July 2012 - Desember 2024).
96% respondent : 17 - 35 years old
Coaching, Sharing, Replicating (C.S.R)
Our foundation, established before PT Balpil™ Akademi Seimbang, was created to raise life-balance awareness amongst Indonesia's young generation.
Through an informal 100-questionnaire survey (online), taken by over 50,000 people, we received the following composite diagram, representing the life-balance profile of Indonesia's young generation (96% from 17-35 years age range).
This diagram shows the URGENT need to upgrade the intellectual capacity of Indonesia's next generation, to attain relative balance for a stronger nation.
Through Yayasan PIBAS, our CSR is translated into a concrete "Coaching • Sharing • Replicating" program,
helping balance Indonesia's next generation for a stronger nation in the years to come.

Be the leading non-profit association with concrete contribution to Indonesia, by raising awareness of balanced-life importance to all walks of life in the archipelago. In the long term, measurable success at home will be replicated to other nations with similar needs.
Through our proprietary diagram-based “one-pillar-four-sides” concept, we will disseminate tools and resources that are religion-neutral, to raise Balanced Life Awareness in Each Individual = Spiritually + Intellectually + Socially + Physically, starting from Indonesia's young generation.
Our Activities
Aligned with our CSR (Coaching, Sharing, Replicating) activity, we have also developed training program for school children. Our first public camp was held on 19-22 June 2014. It was attended by 32 children aged 10-14 from various schools. During the 3 day program, participants were trained and assessed in all aspects of their balance profile = spiritually + intellectually + socially + physically. This activity was very well received by both the children and parents.